The Gondwana Memory Center (CMG), based in the Gondwana Geoprocessing Laboratory at UFRJ, is a space in development with specimens from the Gondwana regions that are now separated. The CMG intends to establish an institutional identity that is inscribed in its mission, vision and values. Since the mission should guide everyone about the purpose of the institution, some objectives were set out in its elaboration: among them are, to disseminate the results and progress made in the project “IGCP-628 – Review of the geological map of Gondwana: Geology and tectonic evolution”; Establish an ongoing relationship with the academic community around the common denominator here as Gondwana; And, as in the desire to materialize as a Memory Center, to justify the intention to constitute a collection of its own. The main objective is to consolidate the national and international reference position as Gondwana research, memory and reference center.

The CMG was initially formed from the materials used during the project. The collection consists of two parts, one digital and one physical, both based at the Gondwana Laboratory. The digital part of the collection is integrated with the Gondwana Digital Geoprocessing Center (CDGG).
Included in this collection are the files collected in the bibliographic compilation: the maps used during the process of creating the final Gondwana map; The base articles used, the articles produced within the project, and the data collected to assemble the final map. The physical part of the collection consists of original donated maps, printed maps during the project, reference books in the area, rock samples, minerals, fossils, ores from all present continents that made up Gondwana 200 million years ago available for the specialized and lay public to know the ancient history of our territory and its evolution.
Among the various projects under development are the stowage and cataloging; acquisition of the collection and the Gondwana oral memory project. Whose focuses are: actions that seek to facilitate the access of researchers to the material and its preservation. Complete the collection with specimens related to Gondwana through donations and field collections. Gather not only the experience within the project but also other interesting information and especially the knowledge of several scientists.

The Museum of Geodiversity at the UFRJ has a large collection of Brazilian specimens of rocks, minerals and fossils. The CMG will have a space destined to the exhibition of the testimonies of the existence of Gondwana next to the Institute of Geociências of UFRJ, in the Museum of Geodiversity. Note in the image the surprising sample of amethyst from the south of Brazil collected in the Serra Geral Formation, the great magmatic province formed shortly before the beginning of the formation of the crust of the South Atlantic Ocean. On the African continent occurs especially in Namibia on the volcanic rocks of Ethendeka.
Soon opening of the gondwana exbition: land in motion, at museum of geodiversity, on 14th March/2018.