IGCP-628 - The Gondwana Map ProjectThe geological map and the tectonic evolution of Gondwana
Gondwana Memory Center

Gondwana Memory Center
Get to know the memory of Gondwana through its vast digital literature database and exhibition of specimens from all Gondwana fragments: fossils, rocks, minerals, and others

Geology of Kanchanaburi and Suphanburi – Thailand
International – Date: 18th – 21st November/2017

Geology of Central Madagascar – Second Expedition
International – Date: July 2017

Geology of the Cape Fold Belt – South Africa
International – Date: 21st – 27th August/2016

Geology Of Paso Del Dragon Region – Northern Uruguay
International – Date: 25th July – 10th August/2015
Geology of Kanchanaburi and Suphanburi – Thailand
International – Date: 18th – 21st November/2017

The Sibumasu block consists of high-grade metamorphic rocks (gneiss, schist, calcsilicate and marble) and sedimentary rocks which are inferred to be of Pre-Cambrian age, overlain by folded units from the Paleozoic and Mesozoic. There are abundant outcrops of Late Carboniferous to Early Permian glacial-marine diamictites and cool water fauna fossil bearing limestones, also from Early Permian.

Gondwana Maps
Get to know the published Gondwana maps including the map versions of IGCP-628

Project Leaders/Partnerships
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Scientific Groups
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Gondwana Lab
The facilities and the people at the Gondwana Digital Center of Geoprocessing (GDCG)- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Scientific Events
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List of publications related and produced by IGCP-628 (papers, books, maps, folders and other)
Latest Events
Congresss - 20th - 24th August/2018 - 49th Brazilian Geological Congress
The IGCP-628 presented the updated Pre-1st Edition of the Gondwana Map during the most importante national geological meeting based in the city center of Rio de Janeiro.
Congress - 21st to 28th of July/2018 - 27th Colloquium of African Geology – Aveiro/Portugal
The IGCP-628 presented “U-Pb detrital data from two metasedimentary successions on the Central Malagasy basement and its Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution” during the 27th Colloquium of African Geology, in Aveiro (Portugal).
Project Leaders

Dr. Renata da Silva Schmitt (Brasil)
Departamento de Geologia
IGEO CCMN – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Dr. Maarten De Wit (África do Sul)
Earth Stewardship Science and AEON Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University maarten.dewit@nmmu.ac.za

Dr. Alan Collins (Austrália)
Academic Group Leader (Geology and Geophysics) EES Associate Head (Teaching and Learning) alan.collins@adelaide.edu.au

Dr. Philippe Rossi (França)
CGMW President Petrologic and geodynamic evolution of the European Variscan chain Geological mapping of plutonic complexes

Dr. Umberto Giuseppe Cordani (Brasil)
Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Neociências – ucordani@usp.br

Dr. Colin Reeves (Holanda)
Earthworks BV Achterom 41A – 2611 PL Delft The Netherlands reeves.earth@planet.nl

Dr. Edison José Milani (Brasil)
PETROBRAS – CENPES/PDGEO Research and Development in Geosciences – General Manager – ejmilani@petrobras.com.br
Defense of Bachelor Thesis on Búzios, Brazil
Date: 17 th of December/2018
The bachelor thesis entitled “Proveniência de Paragnaisses da Unidade Búzios” was presented at the Geoscience Institute of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) by Luiza Carneiro de Rezende, whose research impacts into the comprehension of the evolutive process of Gondwana. She had Dr. Antônio Carlos Pedrosa Soares (UFMG) as advisor and Dr. Renata Schmitt (UFRJ) as co-advisor, while the examining board was composed by Dr. Tiago Amâncio Novo (UFMG) and Dr. Jorge Geraldo Roncato Júnior (UFMG).
MSc. Defense Presentation about the Alto Tapajós Basin, Brazil
Date: 13 th of December/2018
The MSc. thesis in Geology about the Alto Tapajós Basin, Brazil, and entitled “Arcabouço Estrutural e evolução Tectônica da Bacia do Alto Tapajós, Brasil Central” was presented at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) by the geologist André Toczeck, whose research impacts into the comprehension of the evolutive process of Gondwana.. The MSc. Student was advised by Dr. Renata Schmitt (UFRJ) and the examining board was composed by Dr. Rudolph Allard Johannes Trouw (UFRJ), Dr. Edison José Milani (Petrobras) e Dr. Natasha Stanton (UERJ).
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)Campus Universitário CCMN – IGEO
Departamento de Geologia – Laboratório do Gondwana
Avenida Athos da Silveira Ramos, 274 – J2-020
Ilha do Fundão – Rio de Janeiro – Brasil
CEP: 21941-916 Phone: +55 (21) 39389482
Email: gondwana@geologia.ufrj.br