Geological Map of South America Workshop 2014 – Villa de Leyva

Home 9 Scientific Events 9 Geological Map of South America Workshop 2014 – Villa de Leyva

Between July 21st and July 26th geoscience professionals representing geological surveys and universities from ten South American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Surinam, Uruguay and Venezuela), geologists from the Netherlands and Spain, three researchers from the Commission for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW) and one member of the IGCP-628 attended to a workshop in Villa de Leyva, Colombia aiming to establish the directions and criteria that would be used to elaborate the new Geological Map of South America.

Parallel to these discussions the following agreements and aims were achieved with the IGCP-628 representative:

– The need of a change on the color legend, especially on the Precambrian units, as said by several researchers attending to the workshop;

– From that moment onwards, a larger integration between the IGCP-628 and Geological Map of South America teams would take place;

–  A cooperation between the IGCP-628 and the Colombian (SGC) and Venezuela (FUNVISIS) was negotiated.