The IGCP-628 will present the Draft 2 of the new Gondwana Map during the symposium The Tectonic Evolution of Gondwana. Abstract deadline is 7th March/2016.
Core Topic: Fundamental Geoscience; Theme: A Dynamic Earth
Symposium “THE GEOLOGICAL MAP AND THE TECTONIC EVOLUTION OF GONDWANA” – IGCP 628 Conveners – Renata Schmitt and Alan Collins
This symposium will focus on the presentation and discussion of the new Gondwana Geological Map, scale 1:5M. After 3 years of geological compilation, the map integrates the geological data of the major Gondwana fragments and some smaller blocks attached to this paleocontinent in the Triassic. The main topics to be addressed are:
• The consensus configuration of the Gondwana fragments at the end of the Triassic and the beginning of the Jurassic;
• The position of smaller blocks within the Gondwana configuration (e.g. Falklands, Afghanistan, Avalonia);
• The removal of younger geological units (Post-Jurassic) and the paleogeological map of these regions;
• The Gondwana heritage of the African continent;
• The deliveries and the legacy of the IGCP-628 and the integration with other IGCP related projects.
Link: http://www.35igc.org/